Gonstead Chiropractic
What is Gonstead?
Gonstead Chiropractic is a renowned chiropractic technique that offers a comprehensive approach to spinal health and wellness. Developed by Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead, this method focuses on precise and effective adjustments to address spinal misalignments and restore the body's natural balance.
Dr. Clarence S. Gonstead was a pioneer in the field of chiropractic, having established his unique system of analysis and adjusting techniques, which would later become known as the Gonstead Method. Born and raised on a farm in South Dakota, Dr. Gonstead was no stranger to hard work and perseverance. He became interested in chiropractic after a chiropractor helped alleviate his severe sciatica pain.
Post graduation from school, Dr. Gonstead set up his practice in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. Through his dedication to helping patients and refining his techniques, he quickly gained a reputation for achieving remarkable results.
5 Step Method of Analysis
1 - Visualization
The first step in the Gonstead Method is a thorough visual analysis of the patient's posture, gait, and overall appearance. This allows the chiropractor to identify any imbalances, asymmetries, or other indicators of potential spinal misalignments.
2 - Instrumentation
Gonstead chiropractors use a specialized instrument called a Nervoscope or Delta-T to detect areas of inflammation and nerve pressure along the spine. This helps pinpoint the exact location of subluxations that may be causing pain or dysfunction.
3 - Static Palpation
The chiropractor then performs a hands-on examination of the spine, feeling for areas of swelling, tenderness, or abnormal tissue texture. This helps to further refine the location of subluxations and provides valuable information about the underlying cause.
4 - Motion Palpation
This step involves gently moving each spinal joint through its normal range of motion to assess for any restrictions or abnormal movement patterns. This information is crucial in determining the most appropriate and effective adjustment for each patient.
5 - X-Ray Analysis
Gonstead chiropractors utilize full-spine x-rays to visualize the patient's unique spinal structure, identify any underlying issues, and ensure the most precise and accurate adjustments possible.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Pain Relief: By addressing the root cause of pain through precise adjustments, Gonstead Chiropractic can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing in the affected area.
Improved Mobility: Restoring proper spinal alignment and joint function can significantly improve a patient's range of motion and overall mobility.
Improved Nervous System Function: The nervous system is the body's communication network, responsible for controlling and coordinating every function. By addressing spinal subluxations, Gonstead Chiropractic can help optimize and improve nervous system function thus leading to possible improvements in overall health and well-being. By relieving pressure on nerves, the possibilities are endless as to the benefits from this care.
Preventative Care: Regular Gonstead chiropractic adjustments can help maintain proper spinal alignment, allowing people to take charge of their health before it takes control of them.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
The Gonstead System differs from other chiropractic techniques in that it takes a comprehensive approach to spinal analysis and adjustment. Gonstead chiropractors can precisely pinpoint and treat the underlying cause of pain and dysfunction by combining visualization, instruments, palpation, and x-ray analysis.
Patients experience pain alleviation and enhanced function as a result of this meticulous and thorough approach to adjustments. Additionally, the Gonstead System encourages long-term health and wellness because it concentrates on treating the underlying cause of symptoms rather than just the symptoms themselves.